Mindfulness på skiva
I samband med en två veckors retreat hos den Vitnamesiske buddhist munken och mindfulness läraren Thich Nhat Hanhs (Plum village, Frankrike) började skriva "Mindfulness sånger" som idag vuxit till ett 50 tal sånger. Dessa låtar brukar jag framföra i olika sammahang och de håller fn på att spelas in(se nedan texter)
Lyssna till några av sångerna på Spotify >>
-Mindfulness Songs-
1. I am here, I am now
I am here, I am now
I have taken all my vows
I am free, I am me
I have everything I need
I am here, I am now
everywhere I go I bow
I’m at ease, I’ll just be
as I’m walking in my peace
2. A mind that is still
I move around everywhere
with a mind that’s still x 2
when my mind is flowing
I get back to the now
that´s where everything
is going on anyhow
3. Being here now
Being here now, not asking how
always on time, with a clear mind
having no doubt, what life is about
as long as I’m here, everything´s clear
Why worry, why hurry ?
There’s is nowhere to go to
Why worry, why hurry ?
There is nothing to hold on to
4. Now life is happening
What about when?
what about where?
what about how?
what about now?
when is life happening?
where is life happening?
how is life happening?
now life is happening
5. Happy moment
This is a happy moment
this is a joyful time
this is a happy moment
this is a joyful life
Here at this precious place
now in this special phase
I am feeling joy and laughter
Here I am satisfied
now I feel good inside
there´s nothing to run after
6. Breathing in
Breathing in
I’m aware, I’m breathing in
Breathing out
I’m aware, I’m breathing out
Breathing in
I’m aware, I’m breathing in
Breathing out and relax
7. One breath, one step
One breath, one step
with Peace in mind
one breath, one step for Peace
Concentrate and meditate
on everything that comes my way
Contemplate and radiate
everything I am…
8. Happy continuation (Happy b-day)
You are so beautiful
you are so fine
you are so wonderful
life after life
Happy continuation
Happy moment of now
Happy celebration
To you we all bow
9. Path of mindfulness
I walk the path of mindfulness
I walk the path of peace
I walk the path of humbleness
I walk the path of me
sisterhood, brotherhood
fatherhood, motherhood
I walk the path of gentleness
I walk the path of peace
I walk the path of gratefulness
I walk the path of me
sisterhood, brotherhood
fatherhood, motherhood
10. The wonder
See the wonder of
the present moment
see the wonder of a life fulfilled
see the wonder of
the present moment
see the wonder of a life fulfilled
now I can see, what life could be
if I was free, from my beliefs…
11. Breathe in and smile
Breathe in and smile
breathe out, take your time
breathe in, for a while
everything is just fine..
(every thought passing by)
Every step is peace
every breath brings release
I walk my path with ease
as long as I will… /Breathe!
12. Peaceful mind, open heart
Peaceful mind, open heart
silent steps in the park
peaceful mind, open heart
freedom bells in the dark
I am walking all alone
yet I’m feeling oh so strong
I am walking on my own
yet I feel that I belong
13. Walk in peace
Walkin’ peace, talkin’ peace
we recieve everything we need
when we live to give
we are truly free
we’re planting a seed
with every breath we breathe
walk in peace
Talk in peace…
14. Wherever I go I will be there
Wherever I go, I will be there
whatever I owe, I will share
whatever I do, I’ll be aware
whatever my mood, I will take care
whatever I sow, will also grow
whatever I feed, will come to me
whatever I seek, will become real
whatever I reap, is what i give
we all can be the change
that we want to see
we all can live the life
that we want to lead
we all can be, peace!
Wherever you go…
15. Yesterday is history
Yesterday is history
tomorrow is a mystery
this moment is a gift
that’s why it’s called
“the present”