Peter Elmberg has shared his music in many different occasions over the last 30 years. He has written more than 1000 songs and recorded over 20 albums. He has composed and produced 2 musicals seen by over 7000 people. His work involves everything from rhythmic music inspired by his westafrican travels and through his musicproject African Vibration, as well as Peaceconcerts (consisting of prayers from different traditions), Mindfulness songs (inspired by Thich Nhat Hahn) and his own Heartdances / Circledances called Mundekulla Peace Dances. Every year he attracts 300 people in Heartdances at a 5 day festival at Mundekulla Retreatcenter.
After studying Native American history in USA in 1996, Peter spent 3 years in solitude in a tiny ten-square-meter cabin in the small village of Mundekulla. These years he laid the foundation to Mundekulla Retreatcenter that attracts around 2000 people every year.including the yearly Mundekullafestival that has been offered since 1999. Peter also offer retrerats and a yearly courseweekend for men Man in mission, and he runs a big variety of events at Mundekulla,
In 2007, his song ‘Now is the time’ was described as ‘the best song ever’ in one the Sweden’s biggest magazines (City). In the spring of 2008, he recorded the album "Songs for Tibet" with some of Sweden’s most prominent musicians to promote the peaceful way of the Tibetans, and he was invited to perform 'A Song for Tibet' when Dalai Lama visited Stockholm in 2011.
"The superior man tries to promote music as a means to the perfection of human culture. When such music prevails and people's minds are led towards the right ideals and aspirations, we may see the appearence of a great world." / Confucius